How to Prevent Power Surges from Damaging Electronics

Power surges can wreak havoc on your electronic devices, causing immediate damage or gradual wear and tear. In this post, we’ll explore what causes power surges, the effects they can have on electronics, and most importantly, how to prevent power surges from damaging your electronics.

What is a power surge?

A power surge is a sudden, temporary increase in voltage that can damage electronic equipment. Power surges can be caused by lightning strikes, power outages and restoration, electrical wiring issues, and electrical devices with motors or compressors.

The importance of protecting electronics from power surges Electronics is an investment, and it’s important to protect them from damage caused by power surges. Power surges can lead to costly repairs or replacements, loss of data, and other inconveniences.

Causes of power surges

Lightning strikes are a common cause of power surges. When lightning strikes, it can send a surge of electricity through power lines, potentially causing damage to electronics. Power outages and restoration can also cause power surges, such as electrical wiring issues and devices with motors or compressors.

Effects of power surges on electronics

Power surges can cause immediate damage to electronics, such as frying a circuit board or causing a power supply to fail. Power surges can also cause gradual damage over time, shortening the lifespan of electronic devices.

How to prevent power surges

The good news is that there are several ways to prevent power surges from damaging your electronics. Here are some of the most effective methods:

Surge protectors: Surge protectors are devices that absorb excess voltage and divert it away from your electronics. There are several types of surge protectors, including power strips and wall-mounted surge protectors. Look for surge protectors with high joule ratings and UL certification. Install surge protectors at the point where power enters your home, as well as on individual devices.

Unplugging devices: When you’re not using your electronics, unplug them from the wall to prevent power surges from damaging them.

Whole-house surge protection: For even more protection, consider installing a whole-house surge protector. This device is installed at the main electrical panel and diverts excess voltage away from your home’s wiring.


Protecting your electronics from power surges is crucial for preventing costly damage and prolonging the lifespan of your devices. By using surge protectors, unplugging devices, and considering whole-house surge protection, you can safeguard your electronics from power surges and enjoy them for years to come. Contact the pros at your local Just HardRich Global Resources Limited for your electrical inspection today. Call us at (234) 803 255 9417.

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